Areas of Expertise

Category Management

Property & FM

With management responsibility of a Group portfolio of 149 premises which reduced by 90 premises together with improved quality and business support capability (118 vacated and moved into 28 new premises in a 3 year period). The resultant reduction in cost was over £6million (34%) per annum in year 2 and a further 2.5m in subsequent years together with significant business process and corporate image improvements.

Cleaning and Catering

Improvements were made over a 12month period which delivered better service, an overall improvement in customer and end user satisfaction plus a 12% saving on spend.


Through a RPO and preferred Vendor arrangements savings of over £1.6 Million PA on a £6Million spend were delivered whilst still retaining quality ‘routes to market’ plus improvements in the request to start date times. This was also a key element (as part of a wider initiative) in delivering significant reductions in staff turnover.


I have led and implemented a number of ‘make v buy’ initiatives which has resulted in the successful outsourcing of approx. £100m of services. This has resulted in a +10% reductions in cost plus a reduction of risk to the budget and programme

Rates Analysis – Subcontract and Agency Labour

Detailed analysis has revealed significant overcharges (up to 18%) in the various elements which make up the charged rate. This has been negotiated with the provider and, at no cost to the agency worker, the price has been reduced.


Water consumption was reduced by over 50% through the introduction of zone metering and gas and electricity cost reduced by 9% through negotiating group contracts

Electrical Equipment

I led a team which tendered 32,000 unique parts costing £16M per annum with 700+ suppliers for both direct and indirect use. Prices were reduced by over £1M in the first 9 months with stock levels reduced and lead times improved

Electrical Outfit

The initial driver was programme improvements when the outsourcing of the electrical outfit was considered. The demonstration of value for money was, as always, a key element of the ‘make / buy’ decision however this was hindered by the lack of viable competition. An internal comparator was used which resulted in both improved delivery norms (and hence an improved programme) and a reduction in price of over £7m

Pipework Installation

The outsourcing of pipework delivered an improvement in programme and price

Paint & Access

I led a team which reduced costs by approx. £26m through a combination of reduced scope, operational efficiencies and margin reduction

Steelwork and Welding

The outsourcing of steelwork and welding has provided large reductions in cost (>£5m) and significant improvements in programme (approx. 3months).

Commissioning of Services, Consultants, Contracted and Hired Services

Through the set-up of panels of preferred providers costs were reduced by up to 20% on price together with significantly reduced engagement time. The main area of benefit has been through the introduction of an efficient request process which controls approval, enables the use of other approved resource, measures performance and resource contract periods including end dates and facilitates continuous improvement.

Mobile phones

A 16% reduction in costs was achieved in the first year together with the introduction of service level agreements, operational support which was supported by improved and relevant management data.

Awarding Bodies

A preferred awarding body was selected through competition which resulted in a reduction in price of over 28%. This also facilitated a business development partnering approach which included lobbying funding bodies and significantly reduced internal costs through improved efficiency.


25% reductions in spend were achieved through the introduction of a focus on cost per head which enabled specific areas to be measured taking account of their specific needs and cost drivers.

Managed print services

A 15% reduction in cost was delivered by introducing a single print ordering portal which directs requirements to a variety of providers (in house and external) plus significant service level improvements

Office printing

Costs were reduced by 7% through the introduction of reliable MFDs which matched the business needs and provided operational support and management data to enable further cost reductions and service improvements

Corporate gifts

Costs were reduced by 10% and the quality and brand match of gifts improved. Reduced lead times and improved controls on the corporate image were also delivered.


A 21% saving and improved service was achieved


A 31% saving, improved lead time, compliant corporate image and inter-changeability was delivered.


A 6% reduction in cost and improved service was achieved

Waste management

Costs were reduced by 21% and environmental achieved
Telecommunications, Landlines and Infrastructure
Savings of 15% were delivered through the removal of lines, price reduction and improved service.

IT Consumables

A 15% reduction in cost was achieved through lower prices and approval controls

IT, Hardware, Software and Support

A 14% reduction in costs through competition and separation of corporate and educational supplies

Work wear

A 17% saving through consolidation of providers, consistent practices and competition

Lease Cars

The cost was reduced by 16% PA through competition, improved vehicle management and a commitment to deliver ongoing cost saving

Other Areas Covered

I have also negotiated contracts covering Hotels, Travel, Plant hire, Hire cars, Publications.